Saturday, May 10, 2014

Phuket Part 3


So it's finally the last instalment of the Phuket trip with K. This post would mark the end of our Phuket Trip and the start of an amazing, renewed journey together as a couple. Things are shaky, rough and I must say even hurtful at times. The Phuket photos may be all smiles and happiness, but things aren't always like that in our relationship.
Don't believe everything you see in photos. I've learnt that a long time ago. People change, things change. If neither of the above changed, the situation would change. Don't get me wrong, the Phuket trip was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! But our relationship not so much. Even during the trip itself we had fights, tiffs, can you imagine? In a gorgeous place like that, with so much to do, we can still squeeze the time to fight. We haven't felt connected for a really long time and while the trip did do us some good by shutting out everyone else, really just focusing on the two of us, things just aren't the same anymore. We haven't had that passion, that yearning, that excitement for each other in a long time. The trip did bring us closer but only on the surface... It was a very shallow form of connection. Funny how things turned out... After the trip, we had nearly ended things. But that's for another post. All I can say is... We are still together, we're better than ever and we're more deeply in love than we ever had been throughout this entire relationship.
So anyway, back to the Phuket trip... After the Tiger Kingdom, K and I decided to go to the beach for the last time and dine locally for once.
Don't worry, we didn't try this, though K really wanted it! Bugs, bugs, bugs all sorts of bugs!

The mandatory shot for every beach couple!

Phuket has one of the most splendid beaches, gorgeous sunsets and strong waves! Nothing like a swash and backwash to make the beach experience complete!

Breath-taking view, one of the most romantic things K and I did in awhile!

For once, without the monopod selfie holder, Hello Ugly hand!

Best invention ever, thank you for vain girls who decided that a monopod selfie was gonna be the invention of the century.

"The skies painted blue, just as the sea mirrored the skies" Sounds tots legit.


I love you K! (If you're reading this, you really can pull off the gay look!)
Love love love love love this shot! Cannot express the happiness I have!

My profile pic for most of my social media platforms! HAHA!

What are you? 13? HAHA! Yup! He loves me. :')

Probably one of my favourite shots of us to date!

While he tried to burry my slippers.... -.-! 

I can't look more idiotically, happy.
Pardon the shaky photo, all 10 photos taken by this camera man were shaky photos! We lit a lantern and let it go!!!! May all our wishes come true :D I still don't know what K wished for until now. HAHA! He says "it won't come true if I tell you..." meh...

So anyway, after that, we took a tuktuk to the night market and take a look around. Bought his favourite pancake again and we bought Pizza for dinner :) Oh we even had a coconut to drink! He said it was "cooling"... You know how the oldies always say that coconuts are "cooling" when the weather or the things/food you eat are so "heaty"... yeah... It's so refreshing and I'm loving every sip of it.
Then, we decided to call it a night and head for bed...

Day 5
We got up bright and early to go snorkelling with the fishes! The bus was here to pick us up at 7:30am and K slept like a log! So hard to wake him up!! Once we got dressed, we had to load our luggage unto the van as we were checking into a new hotel that day! The villas! FINALLY!
So snorkeling was amazing! My underwater camera decided to spoil the day before I went snorkelling. It's sad and unfortunate... But a camwhore like me, would never go without photos for too long. I can't share the snorkelling photos with you, but I have ALL the other photos! HAHA!

Gorgeous seas and funny little islands!

Monkey Island! We fed them bananas!

A lot more of them :D

After snorkelling for the first time, I got thirsty! :) I look like a coke ad girl...

Limestone caves!

Finally seeing them up close and personal! Oooooyeah

We had some free and easy time at phi phi don island and I'm telling you, the view is MAGNIFICCCCC! (In French, if that's even correct)

The waters are so clear, you can even see them little fishes swimming!

:) Hunky dunkyyyyy

B, your eyes look surprisingly big here!

Was supposed to be a cool overlap okay!!! Don't judge

After all the day's activities are done, we finally checked into our very own 1 BEDROOM VILLA! This villa is called The Kiri Villas 
My oh my is this villa gorgeous, equipped with a kitchenette, a private pool and my very own BATHTUB! We bought bath bombs before coming to Phuket knowing very well what to expect :D Hehehe!

So introducing... Villa number 6. The one we stayed in! 
Large, comfy bed with cute bedroom slippers :)

Leads to the living room and also leads to the bathroom which leads to the kitchenette.

Okay, so I jumped into the pool right when we got here. A little too excited I must say...

But can you blame me? The room overlooks the pool!

Living room to the outdoor area!


His and hers sink!

Bathtub equipped with jacuzzi and standing shower!

A better view of the pool

It's fully equipped with pots and pans

Photos really don't do this standing shower justice. It's an elevated platform with seashells all over. Interior design genius!

Woke up early to this view :)

Oh yeah, our own motorbike that we rented from the concierge

Gate :) Okay, I know this photo is a little dumb. HAHAHA
We spent the last day driving around Phuket, cooking our own meal and getting spas and massages done...
Feeling so nostalgic as I type this post. I'm gonna need another trip real soon with you K :) Thanks for reading guys and until next time... Take care :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Phuket Part 2


So I'm back with yet another post on Phuket. Is this boring you out? I promise it'll be the second last instalment of the Phuket trip. HAHA! I really had a lot of fun and 7 days worth of activities condensed into 3 post is pretty remarkable! I mean come'on... Give it to me... My summary skills are pretty darn amazing.

I'll pick up where I left off! So the 2nd day of our trip, we decided that it's gonna be a free and easy day with beach activities! And that was exactly what we did! We woke up pretty early to catch the breakfast! We also decided to walk around the hotel to see if any shops were open! The boy wanted to get a haircut! But little did we know, all shops here only open at like.. 11pm!

One of their street food stalls!

Look at them barbeque! Didn't buy any though! K and I have really weak stomachs so we really didn't wanna risk the chance of food poisoning or like unclean food.

View from the top floor of citrus heights!
Streets of Phuket!
Once we've filled our bellies, we rode the hotel shuttle service to Patong Beach. For all you tourist out there wanting to immerse yourself in the holiday mood, this beach is the place to be! The water is as clear as the sky! The sand so refined and warm. After going to Patong, Singapore's beaches... ALL OF THEM pale in comparison. Let the pictures do the talking!
A shameless selfie with a little cleavage action is always ALWAYS necessary in a beach holiday :)

Okay, see what I mean? CLEAR WATERS!

Feeling so happy that I'm finally here! Hasn't been an easy couple of months!

Happy times, happy times!

I must say, the boy is talented in taking jump shots! HAHA!

Fav couple shot of us at the beach!


So after all this happy shots and selfies of outselves, we decided to do something... like... JET SKI!
30 minutes of pure adrenaline rush! K went so fast I nearly fell off the boat! hahahah! It's so good though!

The man who sold us the ski package was kind enough to take a gazillion photos of us!

Another jump shot from the front!

Bikini from Love, Bonito! Bought it online!

Okay, Last one I promise!

The pancake crepe is a MUST-HAVE in Phuket or in BKK actually! These babies are so good! So yummy! Especially after the Jet Skis!

After that, we rode the tuktuk back!

Back at Alexander café again! For their spring rolls because K had cravings!

Then we decided to rent a motorbike!!!!!!! First time riding a motorbike! It was such an adrenaline rush! hahah! We nearly crashed the bike the first try that the rental lady was so afraid we'd wreck her bike she wanted to refund us our money in full! HAHAHAHA! No we didn't crash because K is a pretty good motorist I must say! :) I felt really quite safe when he rides!
So anyway, that marks the end of our 2nd day. We ended the day with a ride around town, spa and an hour long massage that only cost us $8!!!

During the 3nd day of our trip, we had rode a tuktuk to the nearest shopping mall called "Jungceylon" and it is pretty big, filled with spa and massage parlours (Decent ones of course), facial salons and even retail outlets! Food-wise, it's not very impressive . There aren't many restaurants to choose from and it was pretty upsetting because in Phuket, K and I were always ALWAYS hungry!
HAHA! But nevermind that,
Power of the monopod selfie holder!
He had grown weary of taking photos with me... So here goes my own selfie rampage!

One shaky one was all I managed when the tuktuk was riding up and down like a rodeo!
He managed to take a pretty decent shot of me though!
So after we visited the mall, we decided to visit the Tiger Kingdom to take photos with, touch and interact with the tigers!!!!!!! Initially, we wanted to take photos with the BIGGEST tiger they have but the waiting list was like filled and there were 32 people in front of us. This meant that the waiting time was 3-4 hours!!! that's crazy! So we settled for the medium tigers instead seeing that the medium tigers weren't very much smaller! I was so excited and my heart was pumping! I really love tigers! Being able to interact with them up close!!!! That's even better. You may think i'm crazy cos their wild beasts but I didn't feel any fear at all! NONE! I felt joy and excitement! hahaha I got more balls than my man!
So while we were taking photos with the tigers, there were a group of 6 guys in the enclosure as well... Screaming and flitching like girls... Tots eye roll... Like dudes... or should I say dudettes, if you're scared, you shouldn't even be here. Hogging the time and effort of the photographer. What's more... They were so fearful of these tigers they sat at least 3 feet away... -.-!
I conclude... I've got BALLS BABEHHH! 

While waiting, we decided, or rather, I decided... Camera time is the best time :)

Hehehehe! All smiles!

His face is practically the SAME!


Finally b, something new :)

HEHEHE! When I had braces, I used to smile like that ALL THE TIME! Manages to hide the ugly train tracks off my teeth :)
Finally!!!! After the wait, we are able to get in and I was so stoked to touch the tigers B let me go first! :) I didn't hesitate at all! :) These tigers were so sleepy I'd wish they were more awake though! 
Oh and I put extra makeup just for this :) Photoshoot baby! :) hehehehe
For this, I was caught unaware! Their fur feels more like hair, coarse hair and there were a lot of flies around it. Man, it must be irritating!
Yup, I got right to it! I asked if I could hug them and the guide was like well done, why not and so I did it! :) *Sense of Accomplishment*
The photographer also gave directions as to how to pose! HAHAA

By far my favourite shot out of the bunch!

Yeah this too! If only my ugly slippers weren't in it!
Forgot to bring slippers to Phuket had to buy a havanianas inspired pair called "Hanalians" for $5 SGD hahahah!

Even K had a blast! Hehehe!

I really wanted to do this! His tail was SOOOOOOO heavy! It's a rope, a muscular rope!

Another tiger! Sooo majestic!

Hehehe! With thanks to the photographer because he told K to kiss me hard! :) K wouldn't normally do this in front of strangers though!

Individual shots now! :) Soooooo pretty! Know why they are king of the jungle?
Their forehead reads "王" in Chinese! Which means KING!

Looking handsome my boys! :)
So that was the 2-3 day of the Phuket Trip! :) The last instalment of it coming soon! :) Stay tuned guys! I love you, thanks for reading! Till we talk again, stay gold!